Dan Hurd Prospecting in Other MEdia
Over the years I have had the honour to contribute to many other forms of media: TV, books, newspapers, online news outlets and other people’s Youtube channels. Here are some.
BC Studies Book Cover Art
One of my first big honors was being asked to have a photo I took of black sands and gold used as the cover on a publication from The University of British Columbia's book, "BC Studies".
N2K British TV show about Technology
The people at N2K (Need to Know) contacted me and asked if they could include me in a segment they were doing about prospectors online. Of course I agreed.
MEL Magazine also contacted me and asked to do an interview. Eddie Kim flew to Canada and spent the day prospecting with me. His article is thorough and a delight to read. Click on image above to read it or you can read it here:
My local online Info Tel new site also featured me in an article. Click on image to read the article or check it out here:
The World's Most Scenic Railway Journeys
Britain's Channel 5 interviewed me as part of their first episode which highlighted the Rocky Mountaineer Railroad and its route through the Fraser River. This was a lot of fun to be a part of. Unfortunately there isn't a link for this episode as it hasn't been released outside of the U.K.
MY sponsors
None of this would be possible without the funding and support from the following: